
Yarrr me Hearties!

  1. Sam'n'Max auf Monkey Island So richtig ist die Szene immer noch nicht über die Absage von LucasArts an das Adventuregenre hinweggekommen. .. Ich übrigens auch nicht :) [via : Scummbar]

  2. Neue ScummVM Version 0.6.0 (Programm, mit dem man verschiedene Adventures auf heutigen Systemen zum laufen bekommt). Ihr seid Helden, Leute. [Quelle: The international house of Mojo]

  3. Das geht ja wohl nicht an! Grim Fandango verliert gegen Knights of the old Republic und gegen ein Game das keiner braucht ("Chrono Trigger" Ich bitte euch!)? KotoR ist zwar gut .. aber Grim ist the best game ever (nach Tetris und Lemmings natürlich) [Stein des Anstoßes: The Ultimate Gaming Grudge]

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Dank geht mal wieder

an Count Jabberwock für den Enemy Territory Tip. Wohl einer der besten Zeitkiller auf einer LAN und dabei völlig kostenlos. Super.

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Woo yay!

Bin Nummer 371nochetwas.

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Oh my God! They killed Sam and Max 2!

You bastards!

"After careful evaluation of current market place realities and underlying economic considerations, we've decided that this was not the appropriate time to launch a graphic adventure on the PC" says Mike Nelson, Acting General Manager and VP of Finance and Operations. There is currently no plan to reduce staff."


Nachtrag Beim International house of Mojo gab es heute folgendes Statment von Sam & Max Schöpfer Steve Purcell

LucasArts' sudden decision to stop production on Sam & Max is mystifying. Sam & Max was on schedule and coming together beautifully.

I couldn't have been more pleased with the quality of the writing, gameplay, hilarious animation and the gorgeous 3D world that Mike Stemmle's team has created. The rug has been pulled out from under this brilliant team who've so expertly retooled Sam & Max for the 21st century.

I'm extremely frustrated and disappointed especially for the team who have devoted so much effort and creativity to Sam & Max. It's a shame to think that their accomplishments, as well as the goodwill that has been growing in the gaming press toward this project, will all go to waste due to this shortsighted decision.

Thanks everyone, for continuing to make your feelings known.

--Steve Purcell

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