Thursday, 28. November 2002

Stibitzte Reflektionen

"Contributing to this somber tale is Klaus Badelt's excellent score. Badelt, known for his work with Hans Zimmer, conjures up the ghosts of the Russian composers of old. If, at times, it seems like a stand-alone piece, that's because it is. His main suite for the film is broken up into four movements. This piece was further broken down, re-arranged, and edited into the movie. As such, when listening to the first four tracks on the CD, it really does seem as if you're listening to a traditional piece of classical music. While screen specific action cues are noticeably absent, Badelt has opted to take another course, one of honest emotion to the story's events and themes. If there's a misstep in the Suite (and the album as a whole), it's the third part, "War". Sounding too much like a typical Media Ventures brass-heavy, action cue, it sounds a bit out of place with the rest of the music. It's understandable that the film would call for such a cue; one simply wishes it didn't sound so similar to Badelt's past work on films like Gladiator."

"The real heroes of the film are the ones who sacrifice themselves with quiet resolve. "Reactor" is their cue, and it's based on selections from "Visions of Light". This piece consists of cues originally composed by Richard Einhorn for the silent film, The Passion of Joan of Arc. Using it as a temp track, it was re-arranged by Walter Murch during editing, and then re-recorded again by Badelt. The result is haunting music that accompanies the courageous crewmembers as they willingly expose themselves to high doses of radiation in order to repair the sub's nuclear reactor. Beginning with the ominous tolling of a distant bell, the piece segues into a solemn female choir. Not surprisingly, it's a cue infused with a heavy dose of solemn dread and quiet stoicism."

Aus Torikians Review des "K-19 : The Widowmaker" Soundtracks auf Torikian hat es schon besser zusammengefasst als ich des könnte. Nur bei der Stelle mit "The Passion of Joan of Arc" bin ich mir nicht ganz sicher .. an diese Stücke kann ich mich gar nicht erinnern .. aber das ist ja auch ein etwas älterer Film (1928) .. eventuell hab ich da wieder mal eine Version mit alternativer Musikuntermalung... Schade eigentlich, den die Gesänge gefallen mir ziemlich gut. Neben der recht offensichtlichen Verbindung zwischen "War" und dem Gladiator-OST.. kam bei mir sofort die Verbindung zu "Batman" bei den ersten Tönen von "Capt. Alexi Vostokov" Denkt man sich da den unterbrechenden Ton weg hat man meiner Meinung nach eines der Batmanthemen von Danny Elfman

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